"Can a mother forget...and have no compassion on the child she is borne?
Even though she may forget, I will not forget you!"
Isaiah 49:15

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Message from Rachel Ross, Forget Me Not Ministries Founder & Executive Director

We have been so very blessed this season with another amazing trip from the Christmas team. Christ was brought to the forefront of each and every activity, and HIS love was felt throughout Tinca.

It was a time of encouragement, both for our team serving and for our families and children. A time where the families could put down their worries and fears for awhile to hear the message of Christ, receive gifts of love, and enjoy a meal with crafts, plus a family portrait that they will treasure. 

For the Romanian team serving, we were blessed to have such huge needs met for the families as horse carts of winter wood were delivered to each of our 11 families, as well as food packages that were double the size of what we are normally able to give. The need for wood and warmth for our families is a request I have been lifting up to Christ, as this winter is predicted to be one of our coldest in 100 years. We were overjoyed to see the wood delivered to each family!

Another aspect of the Christmas team that I love is how they provide everyone with a time to gather together, love, laugh, and enjoy special fellowship. This time is so crucial, because all of our Roma families are outcasts of society and faced with an overwhelming prejudice each and everyday. They look forward to and cherish this time, knowing that they are welcomed and loved, not only by the FMN staff/volunteers, and amazing Christmas team, but most importantly by Christ...who loves them more than they could ever imagine!

Thank you Kim, Missy, Alan, Lois, and ALL of their churches, friends, and family who supported and contributed to making this Christmas celebration an impactful one. We are beyond grateful for your time and generosity!

Because of Him,  
Rachel Ross

Highlights of Christmas in Romania, 2013

So many were blessed while we were in Romania for Christmas celebrations.  Our team was probably blessed more than anyone!  While we were able to deliver the many blessings, so many of you were part of our team with your generous donations.  We had many children from our area who sacrificed to provide Christmas gifts for other children.  It doesn't get any better than that!

We were able to provide a new outfit and a small toy and/or gift for over 75 children and young adults.  Food, treats and crafts made the Christmas parties more fun.  Eleven families received two horse carts of wood for heat and for baking.  These families also received huge food packages and were overwhelmed with the large amount.  Alex's family needed a new wood stove for heat and for baking, and they will receive their new stove soon.  We also were able to leave money with Rachel/FMN to use as needed.  It's always nice to have extra cash on hand for those unforeseen needs.

Visiting and praying with each family was so moving for all involved.  These families struggle to merely survive, and are so appreciative of all of the "gifts" they receive to help provide for their families.

Making Joy Beadz with the ladies was fun and productive.  It is a special time that the women come together to make the jewelry, have Bible study and just spend time in fellowship with other women.  Plus, through the sale of Joy Beadz, these ladies have received a salary monthly for almost a year which has helped to provide for their family.  It also gives them the sense of pride for the work that they've done.

With this being our sixth Christmas in Romania, the relationships continue to grow much closer with the children and the families.  It's hard to explain unless you've been in the village.  Many people come and go.  Some will say they'll be back but they can't or don't follow through.  Forget Me Not Ministries, their staff and short term mission teams have been a constant and faithful presence in the lives of the children and families, assisting families to care for their families, and helping to build a strong foundation with the children, in an effort to change the cycle of poverty, lack of education, abandonment and abuse.  These families are not enabled, but equipped with the opportunity to provide food for their family assisting in the Garden of Eden Project.  Men are given opportunities to cut wood, help with projects, etc., to help provide for their family.  The women are working with Joy Beadz and are able to have a salary, which is rare for women in the village.  

The Hut A Thon is in full swing, and families are receiving either an extra room or a bathroom with PLUMBING!  This is a huge blessing!  For Mariuta and Adrian's family, Adrian is able to do much of the work himself so they are able to make the money go further on the addition.  Mariuta has been paralyzed for around seven years.  She had her last son, David, and three to four months later lost use of her lower body.  Because Roma are considered outcasts and do not receive medical care, and if they do, it's very minimal.  If this happened here in the states, more than likely it could have been an infection that could have been treated with high doses of antibiotics and could have been treated.  It's so sad to say, that this was not the case for Mariuta.  They are in the process of adding an extra room on to their small hut, and will be a private bedroom for this amazing couple.  Adrian is also working on the bathroom addition.  The hope is that a handicap accessible tub/shower with jets for therapy will be able to be purchased and installed.  Mariuta is a sweet, sweet lady, but struggles with depression because of her inability to care for herself and care for her family.  We want to do whatever we can to help get what is needed to enhance her quality of living.  FMN has a lift and hopes to purchase a larger van, as the FMN family continues to grow, that will also have this lift installed.  This will be such a blessing and for Mariuta, because she can participate in Joy Beadz and other gatherings.  She does not come to the Isaiah Center much because it is such a huge task to get her in and out of the van.

We are so thankful for Rachel and her heart and dedication to the Roma people in Tinca.  Her team is amazing and God has brought each of them to be part of this ministry as each one brings their special gifts and talents.  Together they make up the body of Christ, building relationships and expanding the Kingdom of God.

Blessed!  Kim, Missy, Alan & Lois

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

In Thanksgiving, More Pictures & More Blessings

At Thanksgiving, we celebrate together with our families and friends, and are reminded of all of our blessings. We take so much for granted, because we have so much and so many opportunities in America.  For the Roma people, this is not the case because of prejudice and extreme poverty, with very little if any government assistance.  

Today on the radio, they were talking about when asked what we are thankful for, the response is usually health, family, job, etc.  They suggested that instead of what we are thankful, to think about who are we thankful for.

We are thankful for Rachel Ross, her heart and dedication to the Roma people, the many sacrifices that she and her family make to live and work in Romania.  We are thankful for Iza, Rachel's daughter, who is a missionary herself as she loves the children and families in the village.  We are thankful for her family here at home, who also make many sacrifices, all to bring others to Christ.  We are thankful for the FMN Staff and many volunteers who are working in Romania and for those who work from here raising the awareness and the necessary funding to continue to expand the ministry.  Together as a team, lives are being changed, one child at a time, and one family at a time.  

Highlights from Christmas in Romania, 2013 to come, along with a message from Rachel Ross, Founder and Director of Forget Me Not Ministries.  Until then, have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!