"Can a mother forget...and have no compassion on the child she is borne?
Even though she may forget, I will not forget you!"
Isaiah 49:15

Monday, November 5, 2007

A Mission of Love

God has paved the way and opened the door to international missions at First Baptist Church of Jeffersonville. FBC’s first mission team to ever to go out of the country has been formed and eight people set out on a mission of love November 7th to celebrate Christmas with approximately 250 children in the gypsy village of Tinca, Romania. The celebration will be “a birthday party for Jesus,” to share the true meaning of Christmas.

Our team has worked very hard to raise the money needed for the expenses for the mission trip, and also to raise money to use to for any need God places before us while in Romania. The FBC family sponsored 250 children for Christmas gifts, participated in group fund raising with our team, and has covered our team with prayer all during the trip planning, and will be praying for us around the clock while we are gone. God has blessed each one individually and the entire church throughout the planning process.

We will be working with Rachel Ross, founder and Director of Forget Me Not Ministries, and assisting her in her ministry while in Romania. God has used Rachel to open doors in Romania and in the gypsy community building relationships and trust, and to share the love of Christ. Rachel has sacrificed her life to live in Romania and to make a difference in the lives of the children and families there, and is working on Phase I of a Children’s Center for abandoned, neglected and/or at risk children in the gypsy community. We are so thankful for Rachel and her willingness to step out in faith, and take on such a huge task. We are blessed to be able to go to Romania and work along side her.

Please follow us on our journey to Romania as we go to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We are blessed to be able to be part of this team and we asked for your prayers for our team, for our families, and for those God place before us in Romania, that we may share the love of Christ and they will see His light through us.

First Baptist Church
Romania Mission Team

First row left to right – Kim Chappelle, Beth Stutsman, Jerry Ashabranner
Second row left to right – Donnie Peacher, Becky Fehr, Lois Wadsworth, Peggy Ashabranner - Third row – Brett Petty


RMW said...

What an Awesome "Mission of Love" blog. I think it will be a great tool during your trip. I just want everyone to know how proud and how much I Love my wife and partner Lois Wadsworth :) I know that each of you will be truly blessed. I can't wait to read how God will use each of you at just the right time. I will check back later. With all my Love and Prayers.....
Michael Wadsworth

Paula Wathen said...

What a pleasure it has been to see all of you prepare for this mission to Romania. It reminds me of my 1st one in 1999 & all those each year after. My love & prayers will be with you each step of the way and boy would I love to be on that plane with you this morning as you prepare to walk along side of Rachel to make a difference in the lives of the gypsy community! God has, is and will bless you for He is with you always, even to the ends of the earth. Lois...don't forget that pizza!! Kim & Lois, I expect you to write every thing you do in your journal & take lots of pictures so I don't miss a minute of anything while I stay here & care for David. I love you both & tell my Romanian family that I love them!
Paula Wathen

Eric Vanderhoof said...

Congratulations FBC on your first "outside of the country" mission trip. God uses amazing people like yourselves to love on and make a difference in the lives of others! You have great leaders in Lois and Kim who have such great hearts for people... especially the people of Romania. You will all be in my prayers during your journey! Safe travels, and I hope to hear from you when you're on Romanian soil. God Bless!


Charlotte Crockett said...

May God bless you on your trip.May you be changed forever! Lois I didn't know Jerry was going with you. Good luck keeping him in line. We love him. He is from our Parkwood Days. Tell him Rosie, Russell, Christie, Elizabeth and TJ send their love. Be safe and have a great trip. Love,

Stacey Broadway said...

I know those children and their families are going to see the love of Christ through you all. If you show them a portion of the love that I feel at First Baptist, I know that they will see Him through you in Romania. Go spread The Word!!!!!!! I love you guys!

Sue Linn Ross said...

What an amazing Mission Page! I can't wait to read about your experiences while serving God in RO! I just want to remind and encourage you to be patient! Things don't always work so quickly in RO! Just be ready to recognize how and when God is working through you. It may not always be as planned but He will definitely bless your efforts. We will continue to keep you in our prayers as you adjust to and work in a whole new cultrue! Give my girls a hug! :) God Bless!
Love, Sue Linn

Sandy said...

Kimmer, Lois and crew, what an awesome place to get to go to. God has blessed you with the gift of caring. One day He will give me the courage to get on a plane and go too. :-) I would love to be there with you guys. You will all be in my prayers. Give Rachael and Bella a big hug. If I could, I would bring all of those children home with me. Be happy and God Bless you. Sandy Vest

mr.edwards@insightbb.com said...

Hey Guys,
Just a few lines to say congrats on your mission so far.Well, Yah ,I knew you all would shine for Christ! I am proud and thankful I can call you my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I am looking forward to sharing your memories of your mission.
Your Bother in Christ
Rick Edwards

Stacey Broadway said...

The pictures are amazing. I know you guys will be forever changed and blessed from this mission of love you are on. I love being able to read about and see what you all are doing. I'm so proud of you all and First Baptist! Give some hugs for me!!
In Christ,
Stacey Broadway