"Can a mother forget...and have no compassion on the child she is borne?
Even though she may forget, I will not forget you!"
Isaiah 49:15

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Notes From Rachel Ross and Erin Nish

Talk about BEING BLESSED…..Erin and I have been AMAZED to watch the hand of God at work as He has orchestrated EVERY single detail with the opening of the children’s center. It has been a whirlwind of blessings from the time we found the house until the moment it was ready to be filled with the kids.

We cannot thank Donnie, Kim, Lois, George (Dad), and Sue Linn (Mom) enough for coming over to help us get the center off the ground and running!! We would not have been able to open without their support as well as all of you who have faithfully prayed over this ministry, supported us, and encouraged us along the way.

We are praying daily for Maria, Abel, Florica, Simona, Samuel, and Alex, and for the brighter future we know God is going to provide! We are praising the Lord for these precious munchkins that the Lord has entrusted to us, and we are asking for His guidance, love, and patience. Please join us as we lift up these little lives daily to Him and place them in His hands. For more updates feel free to check http://www.fmnministries.org/.

Thank you again for encouraging us and being a part of this journey!!

Because of Him,

Rachel and Erin

Thursday, January 17, 2008

We're home!

We arrived in Louisville on Wednesday night at about 9:30. It was a very long day. God blessed each one of us with two seats each on the long flight home so we were able to stretch out and get some much needed rest. The First Baptist Team from the November trip along with our families and some friends were at the airport waiting for us when we arrived. What a great way to come home!

Sue Linn talked to Rachel late last night. The second day at the center went very well. The kids were all more adjusted and even took a nap all at the same time. It was probably the first time they had ever had a bed all to themselves as in the gypsy community, they may have eight to ten people sharing two beds.

We are so thankful, and privileged, that we were able to be in Romania for the opening of the center. It is a day that we will never forget.

Please don't miss any of the entries on the blog. We were so excited on opening day, January 15th, that we posted four separate entries, one with lots of pictures, one telling about the exciting day, one with three short videos and one about sponsorship needs.

Thank you for all of the prayers, comments on the blog, and for all those who donated items needed for the center. We can't wait to see what God has in store next!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Child Sponsorship Needed!

Forget Me Not Ministries consists of many people. Rachel and Erin are on the field in Romania and many others in the US and Canada are part of the ministry. As Rachel has said many times, she could not do what she is doing without the help of others. It is a team effort. This includes mission teams coming to Romania to do special projects and those who support the ministry financially. There are also those who faithfully cover the ministry in prayer and God has answered many of those prayers this week!

Six kids were blessed today, and will continue to be blessed, through the efforts of FMN and the children's center. Please prayerfully consider sponsoring one of these kids. We can give up something as little as a coke a day, or a trip through the drive through, and instead make a difference in the life of one of these precious children. Sponsorship is $30/month. That is less than it costs an average family to go out to eat one time. More children will be able to be in the center as more sponsors are received.

The ministry is also in need of general support that can be directed to whatever is necessary and can be a one time financial gift or monthly support. We can tell you first hand, that every dollar that is given to FMN is used for the children.

If you would like to become a sponsor or make a monetary donation, mail to the address below. You may write "donation" in the memo line of your check, or send a note stating that you would like to sponsor a child. We have included the six children's pictures on this entry of the blog.

Forget Me Not Ministries
PO Box 142
Sellersburg, IN 47172

God is using FMN in a mighty way and you will be blessed by supporting the ministry. We can tell you this first hand, as our lives will never be the same.






As if the pictures weren't enough.

Opening Day!

Today was an awesome day! We went to the center to get the stoves going brought food and other items we needed. We spent time praying over each room of the center and praised God for all He has done this week in getting the center opened.

We took two cars to go out in the Gypsy village to pick up the kids. First we went to pick up Samuel and Abel and they were so excited to see us. Rachel spoke to the grandparents and the mother who has signed over all rights to the kids for a while and then we loaded up the kids in the car. They seemed excited and ready to go! We then went to pick up Florica, Simona and Maria. Maria seemed okay with everything, but Florica and Simona seemed very nervous. We then went to pick up Alex, who has Down's syndrome. He was a happy little guy. All the parents and/or grandparents seemed to have no problem watching their kids leave with us, but they all have gotten to know and trust Rachel and Erin because of their repeated visits to the village and the help that FMN has provided for the families.

Once we got to the center, we had to keep the kids in a contained area because they all needed to be treated for lice. Some were treated and bathed, while others had lunch. Most of them were very hungry! A man from the village, who was one of our "body guards" from the birthday parties for Jesus that we had in November, is a barber and came to shave the kids hair. Most of them had had this done before, but a few of them cried. It was very emotional but necessary. Once the baths were over we were able to take them into the living room, put on new clothes and hats to keep their heads warm and the party started! We had toys everywhere and the kids had a blast! They all warmed up very quickly and were so sweet! It didn't take long and they were all laughing, playing, and running around, and just being kids! It was a different world for them. They had snack and then later we fed them dinner. It was so sweet as they prayed and ate a table, probably something they've never done before.

We have been blessed to be here this week, and even more blessed to be able to be at the center on opening day. We ask that you pray for Rachel and Erin as they take on the huge task of making a difference in the lives of precious children. For now there are six kids, but as FMN gains more sponsors, they will be able to bring in more kids and God willing, Phase II of the children's center will allow even more room and blessings for the children in the Gypsy community of Tinca.

Thank you Rachel and Erin for an amazing week and may God bless you and the children that He has placed in your care.

We ask that you pray for our travel home as we leave early in the morning, arriving home around 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night.

Pictures Of The Day

Monday, January 14, 2008

Thank You God! The FMN Children's Center Opens Tuesday!

Thank you God! The children's center is ready and opens tomorrow! The center looks great and we can't wait to go pick up the kids and bring them to the center for the very first time. We are excited and a bit anxious as we know it will be an emotional day, for us and for the kids.

We anticipate that each of the kids will have to be treated for lice before we can bring them into the center. It may be necessary to shave their heads to help treat the lice quicker to provide them with a clean and safe environment. We will have hats to keep their heads warm and their hair will grow back pretty quickly. None of us are looking forward to this but know it's for the best of the children.

We've been told that the kids may have a hard time even having a bath as some of them have never taken baths before. Rachel and Erin shared that they had given Florica a bath one time and she was screaming and swinging because she was so scared. Most kids love to play in the bathtub and yet for these kids, a bath is scarey and not fun. We will do what we have to and them get them dressed in new clothes, bundle them up and love on them all day!

We have worked from morning until night since we got here last week to get the center opened, and God has made that happened through a small team of people! Thank you God! We are in awe at what He has done and what He will do in the future through FMN and the Children's Center for the the kids in the Gypsy community.

The Center looks great! The kitchen tile was finished today. Keep in mind that a team will come to Romania in May and replaster the walls in most of the rooms and they'll all get a fresh coat of paint! It will be awesome. The walls may not look great, but they are clean and the kids will have warm, comfortable beds, new clothes, lots of toys, plenty of food, and most of all, the love that every child deserves! They will receive love from Rachel, Erin and others who will work with FMN, and they will come to know that they have a Father in Heaven who loves them so much and will have hope for a brighter tomorrow!

Rachel is praying for God to send the people to work at the center to help care for the kids. It was amazing that as we worked today, she had five or more people come up to the door to ask about jobs. The word has gotten out that the children's center is opening and people are looking for work. Some are only looking for jobs but some are looking to make a difference in the lives of the children in Tinca. Please pray for God's will to be done, and for the people He has chosen to work with FMN for the sake of the children.

Thank you for your love, encouraging comments on the blog and your continued prayers!

We Did It! The Center Is Ready!

A Special Family - A Blessing To Many

We are so thankful for the Ross family! They are the most genuine and loving family you will ever meet. They are a blessing to many. We are so thankful for all that they do to serve others. Their family makes many sacrifices and we know that they will receive their rewards in Heaven for being faithful servants of God. It has been such a blessing to see the Buni and Boo Boo with sweet Izabella and Rachel this week! They beam when they are together. It is a blessing for them to be with Rachel for this exciting time in her life, and love and encourage her every step of the way. The Ross' are an amazing family and are so much fun to be around. Their laughs are contageous, their faithfulness admirable and their love and friendship are a special gift. We love you Ross family!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Today was an awesome day! We went to church and as always the worship was amazing! George preached and so did the Romanian pastor. Both messages were great! The church is filled with very passionate people who pray and worship with great enthusiasm.

It was an emotional time too. Right in front of us in church was a group of kids, who were obviously from an orphanage or who live on the street, mostly teenagers, and a family of Americans, a mom, dad and five teenage kids. The family has a ministry where they work in a Gypsy village and with kids in an orphanage. They pick up kids who live in the park and bring them to church. Some of the kids seemed happy and adjusted. One of the girls rocked back and forth the entire time, which is very typical for kids who have been raised in an orphanage. They rock back and forth to soothe themselves. The family was so tender and loving with the kids. One of the kids was so excited about her bible and kept asking the dad questions as she wrote in her journal. What an awesome family to give up their life and live in Romania to make a difference in the lives of those considered as throw aways.

Without ministries like this, and Forget Me Not Ministries, there are thousands of kids here who have no hope and would never know the love of Christ, much less the love of others. We thank God for FMN and all others who give their lives and use their gifts in Jesus' name and to do as He has called us to do.

Tomorrow we finish getting the center ready and do what it takes to be there on Tuesday morning for the opening. We can't wait!

For those who are keeping in contact through email with Donnie, Kim and Lois, the internet is down at the hotel and we are posting this at Rachel's house. Hopefully the internet will be back up tomorrow, so know that we are doing great, and are so blessed by what God has done, and is doing in Romania!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Are We Done Yet?

Today was a long and busy day. We started early this morning because there was still so much to do. The two wood stoves were put in and the plumber fixed the toilet. The kitchen is painted. Most of the doors have been painted. There was still quite a bit of sorting and organizing to do with clothes and toys. Donnie put together more shelving units.

Tomorrow we'll go to church. George is going to preach which will be awesome, because we'll need no translation! We will go out to the center later in the day to fix the fence and put a lock on an apartment off the back of the house, and clean up just a bit.

Monday or Tuesday the tile will be finished in the kitchen. We'll put everything in it's place, to include the appliances for the kitchen. Kitchen cabinets won't be done for a couple more weeks. They are going to look great!

We are completely worn out today but it is worth every minute of the work that we've done and have yet to do. Tuesday morning, the six kids will be picked up and brought to the center and we will dedicate the center to God and have a celebration! We can't wait!

Please keep us in your prayers to stay strong and finish the task at hand. Pray for Abel, Samuel, Alex, Florica, Simona and Maria as they are about to go through a transition period that will change their lives. Pray for Rachel and Erin as they have a huge responsibility but huge hearts for God and for the children of Romania. Please pray for the ministry, FMN, for child sponsors and monthly donors to continue the work that is being done in Romania. Pray that God will be honored and glorified in all that has and is being done through FMN. Pray for an end of the cycle of abandonment and neglect of the children in the Gypsy community. Pray about how God can use you in the work of FMN. http://fmnministries.org

Getting Closer!