"Can a mother forget...and have no compassion on the child she is borne?
Even though she may forget, I will not forget you!"
Isaiah 49:15

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Family Visits & Prayer Requests

Today was a good day. The weather has been a bit cold but not too bad. We went to church and love the passion of the Romanian people as they worship! The worship music was "amazing" as Dave says, and it's always great to see some of the kids from Caminul Felix and other people we have met on other mission trips. It was amazing, and emotional, to watch the teenagers from Caminul Felix worship with their whole heart, hands lifted high and fully looking to God to get them through the hard life ahead of them here in Romania. We talked with several of them, and told them how proud we are of them, and encouraged them to continue to let their light shine for Christ, as they are an inspiration to others.

We came home for lunch, changed clothes and then off to the village for family visits. We visited and prayed with each one of the families cared for by FMN. The kids are always so excited to see us again and all the kids in the village come running when they see that there are visitors! The love having their posa (picture) taken and love even more to see the picture!

There is a difference from last year with these families, and it was so awesome to see the kids loving on their parents and the parents loving on their kids. This hasn't always been the case, but through the work of FMN, love and encouragement, and assisting to care for the children, it has brought the families closer.

Each family will be receiving a new stove for heating, cooking and a place for baking bread. The stoves are being hand welded by a man in the village which will help him care for his family, and will be such a blessing for the families cared for by FMN. Mariana's family was the first to receive their stove and Florica, the mother, was bubbling over with their new stove. The stove they had before had exposed flames and was very unsafe. You have to understand that their home (hut) is probably 8x10 and there are the parents and five kids that live in this house. It's one room with two beds, that can be used for seating as well, the wood stove, a small table and that's it! We are so spoiled at home with all of the modern conveniences. Honestly, we are heathens and don't even realize it because it's all we've ever known. They are so excited too as they will be coming to the Isaiah Center for their party tomorrow night. She thanked and thanked and thanked us...............and again, we're only the deliverers and representatives for so many of you who gave generously to provide Christmas, center and family needs. We prayed with them and it was very moving!

Dave and Rachel are absolutely amazing! Rachel has gained trust through the years and the people love her! and Dave is such a blessing to the ministry as the men relate so well to him. Their for the Lord and for the Roma people is evident as they talk with and work with the families. It is amazing how God brought them together to work in this ministry!

Iza is only six (Rachel's daughter) and she is a little missionary herself! She goes with the flow with what ever we're doing. She loves the kids at the center and in the village. She has great manners and has such a giving heart! She prayed a couple of different times today and is a little prayer warrior! We know that God has big plans for her, and because of the love she has been blessed with by her mother, her Buni and Boo Boo and the rest of the family, once an abandoned baby herself, she reaches out to anyone she sees in need. We have had so much fun with her, and love her tender heart, her outgoing personality, and her high energy! She loves to tell stories and sings a lot too!

We ask for your prayers as we are wearing down, but are excited about the rest of our time here in Romania. Iza has a cold and is coughing but is trudging along, but ask they you pray that the medicine will work fast.

We ask too for your prayers for Kim. She had surgery on her shoulder a while back for repair of a fracture. She woke up this morning in severe pain and her shoulder was swollen. She had this happen one other time after surgery and the doctor gave her a steroid shot. She stayed home today and has been in bed all day with heat and/or ice on her shoulder. We prayed over her tonight, lead by sweet little Iza and pray that she will have less pain tomorrow and the inflammation will be relieved.

Thank you for all the prayers, and for all who are part of Christmas in Romania. You have blessed the Isaiah Center, the kids and families cared for by FMN, and we too have been blessed to be here with Rachel, Dave and Iza!


Kim, Missy, Lois, Rachel, Dave & Iza


Anonymous said...

Amazing stories and pictures so far! I have really enjoyed reading all of them and seeing all the wonderful pictures. God is really using all of you to touch the lives of many. Kim, I am saying a special prayer for you that your shoulder feels better soon. (Lori from church)

FBC Friends said...

The pictures are awesome guys. (They make me a little sad though because I wish I was there with you). Praying for you and the kids everyday. Give them a hug for me (especially Iza).

p.s. Kim, you cannot pick up every child in Romania, so stop trying and let your arm heal.

FBC Friends said...

Donnie btw.

Teri Gutermuth said...

Praying for you all! Please keep us posted on Kim, praying for healing and comfort for her. Blessings and Hugs to you ALL!

Hugs to Albert for me if you see him!


mr.edwards@insightbb.com said...

I can see clearly that our Lord is doing great things thru you guys.I really enjoy the pictures and all the smiles on the faces of all.Looking forward to talking to you when you get home.Be safe.
Your Brother in Christ
Rick Edwards