"Can a mother forget...and have no compassion on the child she is borne?
Even though she may forget, I will not forget you!"
Isaiah 49:15

Friday, March 20, 2015

We're on our way!

In our wildest dreams, we could never imagine being able to have this opportunity for three generations to travel to Romania together!  Zoe is beyond excited and just can't wait to get there.  We have a lot of plans once we get to Romania and can't wait to share this experience with all of you.  We can't wait to see what God has in store!

We have been abundantly blessed by so many with monetary donations, orders and orders and orders of cinnamon rolls (over 200 dozen!), bake sales, and dinners.  We could never do this without all of you!

Keep us in your prayers for travel mercies.  The next flight is the long one, but we'll be that much closer to Romania!  Pray too for our families, to keep them safe and healthy while we're gone.

We'll update the blog every day with lots of pictures and video, so watch for those updates.

Thank you again to all of those who are part of our team!

Christy, Zoe, Mike & Lois

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